In the shipping and hauling industry, incidents can occur before any cargo has left the yard. Most shipping yards or sites involve several moving parts, from people and staff to constantly moving vehicles and other heavy equipment (shipping containers, yard goats/yard trucks). While so many managers and staff work to keep a site safe, accidents still happen. And when they do, Pro-Tow is available to help get things back to normal safely and efficiently.
Once personal injuries are assessed or avoided, companies will want to have full accident recovery services on-site as soon as possible. Accident recovery services may involve a variety of heavy equipment to get the job done quickly. At Pro-Tow, we utilize crane lift services alongside heavy-duty wrecker services. With these, we ensure that no recovery is too big for our team.
Two Wreckers for a Yard Goat Rescue
Equipment recovery is often associated with vehicle or road accidents. However, it is needed for a wide array of industries and several different job sites or yards. Over the last two decades in business, Pro-Tow has found innovative recovery solutions for some very sticky situations!
For example, Pro-Tow was called to assist with safely recovering an overturned shipping contained still connected to the shipping yard truck (or yard goat). These small but mighty trucks were built to transport shipping containers within a yard.
Pro-Tow was tasked with recovering two pieces of heavy equipment: the shipping container overturned on its side, and the yard goat left with its front tires high up in the air. We started with our crane lift services to upright the shipping container (the heavier piece of equipment). Pro-Tow uses a heavy-duty rotating crane-style wrecker to attach large pieces of heavy equipment to several locations. While the crane-style wrecker handled the container, our heavy-duty wrecker safely held the yard goat in place. Both wreckers and operators worked closely together to lower and upright the equipment back to safety.
Crane Lift Services from Pro-Tow
Pro-Tow is a local leader in crane lift services and heavy-duty recovery. With over twenty years of experience, team Pro-Tow offers these services with individualized solutions to meet each customer’s unique needs—whether on a shipping yard, construction site or on the road.