#teamprotow responds immediately to the City of Lynnwood, WA to get semi truck driver out of what he described as a pickle. Initially, appearing routine quickly got more complicated when the fuel tank was found to be resting on a hidden stump. In order to prevent any...
30 in a 25…? #teamprotow goes wading in the swamp for a Porsche in Sumner, WA. Took a bit to get it hooked up and recovered back on the road so the Sumner Police Department could complete their accident investigation, but fortunately, the car came up out without...
Burned to the ground on Interstate 90 in North Bend, Washington, the Washington State Patrol and WSDOTcalls on #teamprotow and Pro-Enviro Motor Vehicle Spill Response to solve the problem on this busy section of Snoqualmie Pass. Using Miller Industries, Caterpillar,...
This unfortunate box truck took a bit of spill and ended up turning itself over off the road. The front ended up resting up against a large bush which contorted the connection between the box and the truck itself. We showed up with our tow trucks and crane to get it...